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What is Jump for Joy?
KAVU Athlete, Neil Amonson shares why his passion for skydiving has become an opportunity to inspire kids to find their path to happiness.
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What is Jump for Joy, you ask? Well I’m glad you did because it’s something everyone should know about! Jump For Joy is a team of skydivers who travel the country helping to teach young people how to be happy. Yes we know that being happy isn’t such a simple thing (or is it?), and as we get older happiness sometimes becomes an elusive ghost that seems to disappear around the next corner. But here at Jump For Joy, we also know that happiness is something we already have inside us and sometimes all we need is a reminder to appreciate the gifts this universe delivers to us on a daily basis.
For this event we met with 900 students from the local elementary and middle school in Kamas, UT. It was extra fun because it was the kid's last week of school before summer break, and their excitement to soon be free from homework and tests was clearly visible in their big smiles and loud cheers.
The skydive is:
....just a big trick to gets kids attention. I was a kid once and I remember how much easier it was to listen to someone I thought was cool, as opposed to someone I thought was boring. If landing a parachute on their football field doesn’t buy some cool points these days, then I don’t know what will.
We start off by having one of the skydivers share a goal
....or idea with the students. The jumper then throws one packet of powder in the air, representing the goal they just shared. Then we get a group of people together helping discuss how to make that goal happen. Next, they all throw up the colored powder together showing how much bigger the idea becomes by having the team work on it together
For this part of the lesson
We talk about the value of having a solid plan. No amount of dreaming is going to make your idea real. At some point, you have to get down to the "nitty gritty" details. We hold up a marble and a beach ball, each representing an “idea”, and ask the students which idea is better. They always say the beach ball because of it’s size which, is a fun teaching point to talk about the value of a small plan that is really solid and a big plan that is full of air.
The last topic we discuss often the scariest part of making an idea real.. trying it! Through a series of questions and answers with students in the crowd, we talk about how to handle failure and how our jump that morning wouldn’t have happened if we let fear stop us in our tracks. We also talk about how we managed risk during the jump to ensure a safe and accurate landing.
Each event usually made possible by a caring parent reaching out to the school and making the introduction to Jump For Joy. In this case it was my bearded friend Mark on the right side of this picture who has a son that goes to the middle school. Big props to Mark for introducing us to the school and a big shout out to Vice Principle Dean (far left) for being an amazing host. We would love to come back next year!
Jump For Joy is a 501c3 approved non profit funded 100% through private donations. If you want to help keep this program in the air please visit:
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